Kaden and Madison
Kaden turned 4 on June 15th! I can't believe my baby is no longer my baby he reminds me of this on a daily basis that he is a BIG BOY!! He really is such a fun kid he keeps my on my toes that's for sure but like I was saying earlier this little boy sure has a flip side anytime someone is hurt of sad Kaden is the first to make sure you are OK. Since it has been kind a ruff year for us there has been lots of times that he has seen his mommy cry and he is always right there crawling up in my lap and wiping the tears from my eyes and telling me its OK or "you have me mommy". I have to ask myself wait a minute isn't that my job to do to him. I am blessed to have him as my son!!
For Kaden's birthday we had a party at the funpark with his friends and it was a blast here are some pictures.
The Birthday boy!
Kaden, Braxton & Wyatt
Kaden having cupcakes with his friends at pre-school
We also have been enjoying the outside weather as well since it's finally gotten nice here is some of the fun stuff we have been doing!
We wish everyone a happy 4th of July!!!
Super cute blog! If you wanna check mine out it's www.kdahlfamily.blogspot.com